Moh. Nanang Himawan Kusuma, SPd., M.Sc.Sport Med


Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Jl. R. Soeparno Purwokerto 53123, Jawa Tengah
Email :
Telepon (0281) 6572772

Pendidikan :

1. Sarjana, Kepelatihan Olahraga, FKIP UNS, 2004
2. Magister, Faculty of Medicine and Sports Science, University of Leipzig, 2012

Publikasi :

  1. M. Nanang, N Fuad, R Didik, 2018. Effect of Alkaline Fluids to Blood pH and Lactic Acid Changes on Sub Maximal Physical Exercise.
    IOP Conferences Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol 197, 2018
  2. Kusuma, MNH., Syafei, Didik, 2018. Biomechanical Analysis of Snatch Technique in Conjunction to Kinematic Motion of Olympic Weightlifters