Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Jl. R. Soeparno Purwokerto 53123, Jawa Tengah
Email : budi.aji57@gmail.com
Telepon (0281) 6572772
Pendidikan :
1. Sarjana, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Undip, 2001
2. Magister, Graduate Institute Healthcare Administration, Asia University – Taiwan, 2006
3. Doktor, Institute Of Public Health University Of Heidelberg – Jerman, 2014
Bidang Penelitian :
Publikasi :
- Zuraida, ZF.,Wijayanti, SPM. Risk Factors Associated with Childhood Tuberculosis : A Case Control Study in Endemic Tuberculosis Area. 2018 International Journal of Community Medicine And Public Health Vol 5 Issue 11
- Wijayanti, SPM., Anandari, D., Octaviana, D. 2018. Pattern of Disease Among Hospitalized Patients With Dengue Infection During 2016 Outbreak in Endemic Area Indonesia. International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences, Vol 5 No 4.
- Anandari D., Masfiah, S., Wijayanti, SPM. 2018. Factors Associated With Health Seeking Behavior Among Tuberculosis Suspects in Rural Area : a Community Based Study. International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences Vol 5 No 3.
- Widiastuti, D., Isnani, T., Sunaryo, Wijayanti, SPM. 2018. Effectiveness of Household Insecticides to Reduce Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes Infestations : A community Survey in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research&Development. Vol 9 Issue 6.
- Wijayanti, SPM., Anandari, D., Maqhfiroch, FA .2017. Vertical Transmission of Dengue Virus on Field Mosquitoes in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Public Health and Clinical Sciences Vol. 4:No. 3
- Wijayanti SPM, Porphyre T, Chase-Topping M, Rainey SM, McFarlane M, et al.(2016) The Importance of Socio-Economic Versus Environmental Risk Factors for Reported Dengue Cases in Java, Indonesia. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10: e0004964.
- Wijayanti SPM, Sunaryo S, Suprihatin S, McFarlane M, Rainey SM, et al. (2016) Dengue in Java, Indonesia: Relevance of Mosquito Indices as Risk Predictors. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 10(3): e0004500. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004500