Program of Ministry :E-Health CINEMA

Hello E-Healthlicious Unsoed, in this first post we will give you information about our activty on 31 March 2016. This is the first program from ministry of education. The named E-Health Cinema. Yeahh that right, so in this opportunity we learn together with movie media. There we are presented a movie, the movie that picked up the story of the world famous, the movie about loyality of a dog. I think you already know. Yapp the story about hachiko,the famous story from Japan.

This even opened for public, especially health students. Trought the movie, we can learn to listen, accustomed to hearing a conversation, and knowing the story that movie. After the movie is finished, the students had to give feed back and impression to comment that movie. This event got a lot of appreciation, and we hope in the next opportunity we will get more a lot of appreciation.

Keep stay here if you want get more information about us. See you in the next opportunity.

Ministry of HR : E-Health The Explorer

On the 19th of June, Health Sciences Faculty Unsoed SMEs English (English ofHealth Sciences / E-Health) has held the organizer in 2016. Upgrading held at Andhang Pangrenan Garden Purwokerto with the intention that the organizer of E-Health can to improve quality and has a good soft skill in management organize.Upgrading concludes with photos Joint OrganizerSMEs E-Health 2016 along with Mba Arini.Hopefully the Upgrading can to improve the perfomance of SMEs E-HealthBoard in implementing the 2016 work programs to develop the skills of English Faculty of Health Sciences Unsoed.

Thank You.

Program of Ministry Ministry of MPR : COF with MSEC

Hi, all, the day before yesterday on saturday we have already meet with Msec Faculty Medical of Unsoed to sharing much thing about experience and other to E-Health be better to the next.    Many experiences we get from Msec, we exchanged ideas and opinions on the work program of each division, joked together and add friends.

We hope we can get more opportunity to strengthen friendship. Thank for Msec Faculty Medical of Unsoed and hopefully we always be family and keep study english to other.

See You.

Program of Ministry Ministry of Talent : Competition of NUEDC 2016

English debate is one important part of the effort to improve the ability of students to develop critical thinking, construct arguments and deliver arguments with good and precise and tolerant of differences of opinion and perspective on an issue. Debates of this kind has been developed in-many countries around the world, and also in Indonesia where the latter is expected to improve the competitiveness of Indonesia in the international arena.

National Universities English Debate Champhionship (NUEDC) was first held in the year 208, that is 11 years after the implementation of the Indonesian Varsities English Debate (IVED) first. NEUDC first held at the University of Sultan Agung, Semarang. Along with the times and sealan with tuuan of this debate itself, in 2013 the name of this debate are no longer NUEDC but has changed menadi NUDC (National University Debating Championship).

NUDC is a program organized by the directorate general of learning and student affairs, the ministry of technology research and higher education. In 2016, UnSoed hold a university level selection on 1-2 April 2016 was held at the rector unsoedlantai 1,2,3. Followed by 12 faculties at the bertuuan Unsoed to determine the representative Unsoed eligible to go in the match inter-university debate.

From the faculty of health sciences alone bring a representative number of 6 students, the Mayas Sisca (public health in 2014), chandra Nurachma (public health in 2014), Syafa’at Taufiqurrohman (public health in 2014), Dyla Anisa (nursing in 2014), Tri Handayani (pharmaceuticals 2015), Adina Handayani T (Nursing 2014).

Anyone who would later become the representative of PKA, we have the same hope can boast names UnSoed outside through the English debate this.

Welcoming Event 2016

Program of Ministry

Saturday, 8 October 2016

Ministry of Human Resource E-Health Unsoed present “Welcoming Event 2016”

Welcoming Event is one of work program from Ministry of HR with the primary purpose is to inaugurate the all new members of E-Health. Welcoming Event 2016 with the theme “Step Forward with E-Health” was held in Recreation and Education Park Sanggaluri, Purbalingga.

This event began with “All About E-Health” which is an introduction to the history of E-Health and explanation from each ministry in E-Health, followed by outbond and then “Sharing Heart to Heart” with Mrs. Okta Arum , an then embedded pin E-Health symbolically by the precident of E-Health (Fadhila Suryantini) to the new members (family) of E-Health. Last but not least, it’s time to say ‘Cheese’ a.k.a taking tons of picture together.

Welcome New Member 2016!

Sharing about Debate

Monday, 3 October 2016

Ministry of Media and Public Relation E-Health Unsoed present “Share to Share about Debate with EDS-IT”

At Room 4 Public Health, this event is start to opening from E-Health and from EDS-IT, then sharing about debate, how to join EDS-IT, how interest a debate, and how to get a best experience of debating. Next, event Discussion and Coffee Break from audience to EDS-IT. Finally, this event closing by Photo Session.

Hopefully, student of Health Sciences  can a create the debater for competition until national.

See you next time !

COF with EEC

29 May 2016

Ministry of Media and Public Relation E-Health Unsoed going to Engineering English Club one of program COF (Connecting with Other Faculty).

We meet with EEC to sharing much thing about experience and other to E-Health be better to the next. Because E-Health is Unit Student Activity the first in Health Sciences Faculty, and then must know much a relation with other (English Club) for be English Club in Health Sciences Faculty better in to improve skill of English.

Thank you and hopefully we always be family and keep study English to other.

See You!

Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah 

Tingkat Mahasiswa Kesehatan Se-Jawa


“Eksistensi Tenaga Kesehatan dalam Menghadapi era Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA)”


  1. Peserta merupakan mahasiswa aktif D3/S1 perguruan tinggi negeri/swasta di pulau jawa
  2. Peserta merupakan tim yang terdiri dari 3 orang/tim
  3. Setiap tim yang lolos abstrak , wajib membayar 110rb untuk print full abstrak



  1. Optimalisasi dan Implementasi IPTEK dalam Bidang Kesehatan di era MEA
  2. Strategi Menghadapi Persaingan antar Tenaga Kesehatan di Wilayah ASEAN pada era MEA Inovasi Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Bidang



Abstrak dikirimkan melalui email hsc.fikesunsoed@gmail.com sampai 27 Agustus 2016 , dan informasi lebih lanjut dapat membaca buku panduan melalui link : http://bit.ly/2aofi0Q



1 Agt-27 Agt 2016                 Pengumpulan Abstrak

10 Sept 2016                        Pengumuman Lolos Abstrak

12 Sept-9 Okt 2016               Pengumpulan Full Karya

30 Okt 2016                          Pengumuman 10 Finalis

19 Nov 2016                         Presentasi 10 Finalis



Juara 1 : Piala + Sertifikat + Uang tunai Rp 3.000.000

Juara 2 : Piala + Sertifikat + Uang tunai Rp 2.000.000

Juara 3 : Piala + Sertifikat + Uang tunai Rp 1.000.000


Contact Person:

08562629443   (Sita)

085750868744 (Umi)




Welcoming Event 2016  “Step Forward with E-Health”





7.30 a.m. – end

at Sanggaluri Park, Purbalingga


Don’t Forget ! Mark Your Time!

We wait Your Spirit ! We wait Your Present!



Contact Person :

Alifah Wulandari  085602596117/ Line : Landrr

Riyan Istiqomah  085743341935/Line: riyanistiqomah







Proudly presents:  LISTENING CLASS

by  Ministry of Education

FRIDAY, 14 OCT 2016

15.30 p.m. – end

at Room 1 Public Health Unsoed

Don’t Forget ! Mark Your Calendar!

We wait Your Participation !


