Asisten Ahli
Fakultas Ilmu-ilmu Kesehatan
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
Jl. R. Soeparno Purwokerto 53123, Jawa Tengah
Email :
Telepon (0281) 6572772
Pendidikan :
1. Sarjana, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, UNDIP, 1998
2. Magister, Program Magister Kesehatan Lingkungan, UNDIP, 2006
3. Doktor, School of the Environment, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, 2016
Publikasi :
- Suhartono, Djokomoeljanto RRJ. S., Hadisaputro S., Subagio H.W., Kartini A., Suratman. 2012. Pajanan pestisida sebagai faktor risiko hipotiroidisme pada wanita usia subur di daerah pertanian. Media Medika Indonesiana. Vol 46. No 2. hal. 91-99.
- Suratman S., Edwards, J. W., & Babina, K. 2015. Organophosphate pesticides exposure among farmworkers: pathways and risk of adverse health effects. Reviews on Environmental Health, 30(1), pages 65-79. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2014-0072.
- Suratman S., Ross, K., Babina, K., & Edwards, J. W. 2015. Differences in practices of handling organophosphate pesticides (OPs) and OP-related symptoms between Indonesian and South Australian Migrant Farmworkers: pre and post educational intervention. Management in Health, 19(4), pages 19-25.
- Suratman S., Ross, K. E., Babina, K., & Edwards, J. W. 2016. The effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve knowledge and perceptions for reducing organophosphate pesticide exposure among Indonesian and South Australian migrant farmworkers. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, Vol 9, pages 1-12. doi:
- Susilowati D.A., Suhartono, Widjanarko B., Adi M.S., Suratman S., 2017. Perilaku Petani Penyemprot yang berhubungan dengan Kadar Serum Cholinesterase. Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia. Vol 13. No 4. Desember 2017. hal 289-294
- Suwondo A., Achmadi U.F., Suratman S. 2017. The Effect of Selenium Supplementation on Hemoglobin among Farmworkers working as Pesticide Sprayers. Advanced Science Letters. Vol 23. pages. 3361-3363.
- Suratman S. 2018. “Differences between Rainy and Dry Seasons in Levels of Cholinesterase Activities and Psychological Distress due to Organophosphate Exposure among Farmworkers” in The 2nd International Meeting of Public Health 2016 with theme “Public Health Perspective of Sustainable Development Goals: The Challenges and Opportunities in Asia-Pacific Region”. KnE Life Sciences, pages 362–374. DOI 10.18502/kls.v4i4.2296
- Suhartono S., Kartini A., Subagio H.W., Budiyono, Utari A., Suratman S., Sakundarno M. 2018. Pesticide exposure and thyroid function in elementary school children living in an agricultural area, Brebes district, Indonesia. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 9(3). pages 137-144. doi:10.15171/ijoem.2018.1207
- Kartini A., Suhartono S., Pangestuti D.R., Adi M.S., Suratman, Rasipin. 2018. Goiter and Hypothyroidism among Elementary School Children in Lowland Agricultural Area, Brebes District Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. Vol 9 Num 9. pages 120-125
- Widiyanto A.F., Suratman, Alifah N., Murniati T., Pratiwi O.C. 2019. Knowledge and practice in household waste management. Kesmas: National Public Health Journal. 13(3). pages 112-116. doi:10.21109/kesmas.v13i3.2705